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Tub Of Ducks Is Not Truth Itself

"No conditional state is equivalent to Truth." 

When Adi Da suggests to his devotee to "give Me your attention" or "turn to Me", he is not speaking as a separate other nor asking you to put your attention on him. The responsive surrender as True Lovers "give and turn" is the secret granted in Bright radical self understanding. No technique. Unqualified Oneness Itself. 

AVATAR ADI DA SAMRAJ: You cannot “put your attention on” Truth in any case. Truth is not an “object”. Truth only appears to be an object from the point of view of the same search that alternately motivates you to indulge yourself and to restrain your self-indulgent tendencies. Truth cannot be concentrated upon even by a mind that is clear and free. Truth cannot be “noticed”. It is not an object. It does not appear within your view. Truth is the Context within which you and all your points of view are appearing.

DEVOTEE: Instead of “putting attention on Truth”, would it be correct to say “to experience more consciously”?

AVATAR ADI DA SAMRAJ: Experiencing has nothing to do with Truth. Truth cannot be experienced, nor is Truth an experience. Neither is Truth experience itself.

All these expressions you have used have the same form. As far as Truth goes, there is nothing to be said. There is no verbal communication that is the exact equivalent of Truth Itself. All of the descriptions you might give of the unique form of your adventure have the same form, the same structure. Indeed, your questions are a strategy whereby you prevent the Realization of Truth. Your concerns are a means to avoid self-understanding.

Truth always appears to the seeker as a kind of alternative. But Truth is not an alternative. Truth is the Very Consciousness, the Very Nature, the Very Condition of all-and-All. Truth cannot be concentrated upon. Truth is not an object. Truth is not something you can become interested in. Truth is not something you can be distracted from. Your interests, your distractions, your noticings, your experiencings-all are expressions (or modifications) of Reality Itself. But you are not living them as such. Therefore, you are constantly obsessed with alternatives, with particular distractions, noticings, and experiencings. Alternatives are all that you have.

When you no longer have any alternatives, when the search has died, then Truth becomes your Real possibility. But Truth is not an alternative. It is not in the form of a specific answer to a specific question. It is not something perceived. It is not something that serves you, as the (actively presumed) limited and separate subject. It is not something that Liberates you, as an apparently separate person. It has nothing to do with you, as a presumed separate “one”. It cannot be Realized by you as a presumed separate “one”. Truth is Known only in the Realization of Non separateness, in Most Perfect Self-Identification with Truth Itself.


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